About Us
ICON Builders specializes in Renovation of Occupied Senior and Family Apartments. We have built or renovated over 23,700 Affordable Housing units.
Financial Strength
ICON Builders is one of only 10 Contractors in America to achieve a Zero Risk Score as named by Travelers Insurance, the world’s largest Surety Company. We have a Bond limit of $100 million per project, with a $300 million aggregate bond limit.
Construction Bonding
ICON Builders provides Performance and Payment Bonds for other General Contractors and Developers. The criteria for eligibility and terms varies widely. For information call at 1-800-282-6065 ext. 101.
Member Organizations
California Council for Affordable Housing (CCAH)
California Housing Consortium (CHC)
Housing California (HCA)
National Housing & Rehabilitation Association (NH&RA)
San Diego Housing Federation (SDHF)
Southern California Association of Non-Profit Housing (SCANPH)